For my first post I would like to honor the life of a wise and brave man. This is the kind of story that we do not hear about in the MSM. This is they kind of news Americans should be hearing about so they understand that there really are those fighting the fight for freedom across the Middle East. Next time you hear someone say how ungrateful those in the Middle East are or that they don't want us "over there", or they are unable to understand the concept of living in a democracy, remember Dr. Al-Ruba'i.
On Mar 5, 08, one of the most prominent voices of reform in the Arab world, well known in the Middle East but sadly almost unknown in the West, passed away. Dr. Al-Ruba'i was mourned by many in the Middle East media as, "a poet,", "a great thinker and man", "a fighter against fundamentalist Islam," "a man who stood up to threats of sectarian terror", was critical of Hamas and supported the U.S" (see in Iraq MEMRI TV Clip).
His words:
"Intelligent Nations" and the "Culture of Life" vs. "Backward Nations" and the "Culture of Death and Hatred"
"The One Who Destroyed Iraq Was An Iraqi... Yet Some Portray Things As Though the Iraqi Problem Started With the Americans - [But] Iraq's Problems Started With Us"
"The Arab Mind Is Great When It Builds a Boeing Airplane - Not When It Blows It Up"
He will be missed but there are others who speak out in the Middle East and say the same things. You wouldn't know it from the news we get in the US. MEMRI is an important news source. They all don't hate us, some actually are thankful, grateful when we stand up to the tyrants.
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