Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Biden Mangles the Constitution

With all the people calling Sarah dumb and inexperienced, I'd take her experience as a Gov of Alaska,her determination to reform the way things are done in Washington over a bumbling, experienced, wrong on every foreign policy stand VP candidate and a inexperienced radical activist Presidential candidate. Here is an excerpt.

For a man of Biden's experience, this is a surprising series of misstatements. Firstl, he gets wrong one of the basic facts about the Constitution: Article 1 establishes the legislative branch, not the executive branch. This isn't exactly an obscure fact; my 17-year-old daughter pointed it out. 2nd, it simply isn't true that the Constitution treats the Vice President only as a member of the executive branch.

The Vice President is mentioned in Article II as part of the executive branch, but he is given legislative powers by Section 3 of Article 1, which establishes the Senate: The Vice Presiident of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

Go to Powerline for entire article:

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