Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sufi Muslim Shaykh Hisham Kabbani-Flint MI-Fights Wahhabism

This Muslim Shaykh-member of Sufi Islam is a brave and honorable man. This mans message is a side of Islam not many westerners hear...He and the others speaking out against Wahhabism need to be heard. To bad OUR media, western organizations, politicians and "peace activists" choose to listen and react to what the enemies of freedom and liberty have to say.. They say those are the Muslims we should be appeasing, not embracing men like this fine religious leader.

Sufi Muslim Shaykh Hisham Kabbani of Flint, Michigan, has spoken to U.S. Government officials about the threat of Wahhabist Islam. Shaykh Kabbani also struggles against Wahhabism within the American Muslim community.

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