Friday, May 15, 2009

Isms-“Make Mine Freedom” & "How to Brainwash A Nation"

Amazing how relevant both the videos are to what we see going on today.The demoralization process by Communist operatives was more successful than they could have ever dreamed. The other warns, if only people would have listened, of drinking from the "ism" bottle that will bring a collective utopia

I ran across these brilliant videos whilst perusing the blogs of two patriotic ladies, they were so compelling that I wanted to share them here on Digital Publius.

The first one “Make Mine Freedom” comes to us courtesy of The Conservative Mama blog. It’s prophetic accuracy is mind boggling. It warns the viewer of the dangers inherent in succumbing to the seductive nature of the various leftist political ideas or “Isms”.

The next video features Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB operative as he explains the nature of the attack that America has indeed seemingly fallen victim to.

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