An ignorant electorate is a dangerous thing. The balance in media is on the Internet. There are voices out there not being heard, I hope to bring those voices and news stories to you here.
It bespoke the nation’s economic strength, its international outreach, its capacity to build two such impressive skyscrapers, made more so by their architectural simplicity. They gleamed in the rays of the Sun. They mirrored the silver Moon.
Every year when September 11th comes around, we must remind ourselves of the triumph of our Constitution, our dedication to freedom and liberty, and our capacity to defeat the enemies of these inalienable rights.Our grandparents defeated the Nazis and the imperialistic Japanese. Then they and our parents held steadfast against the Soviets for nearly five decades. We fought in Korea and we fought in Vietnam. The current generation’s bravest and best have been fighting our enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We must draw on the reservoir of courage they bequeathed us and, for my part, we must never let lose of the anger we felt eight years ago when a handful of evil men attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, with yet another intended target.
Al Qaeda? Hunt them! Find them! Kill them!
Do not listen to the appeasers, the Blame America crowd. Surrender is not an option.
Full article:
The father of the Islamic coup d’etat in Iran is also considered one of the twentieth century’s founders of Islamic terrorism—the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Khomeini was an extremely brutal man instilled from his upbringing with Islamic superstitions and prejudices, but otherwise possessing little education. Claiming to be descended from Muhammad, Khomeini was steeped in anti-secularist, Islamist supremacist thought that is often bred in Islamic seminaries.
As his religious beliefs inevitably mixed with political and social doctrine, he became a part of Iran’s rapid descent from a nation re-emerging as a free and prosperous country to an Islamic theocracy. His role became increasingly one of justifying and urging Sharia and the suppression of human rights as a means to perpetuate Islamic rule. He insisted that all Iranian freedoms not specifically authorized in the Quran were a part of the American and Zionist “agenda”, and he urged civil unrest throughout the nation.
He was deservedly exiled to Iraq for 15 years. In the midst of the civil unrest, Khomeini returned to Tehran in February, 1979 and turned the rejuvenated Islamic passion into rabid anti-Americanism and anti-Western values as well as anti-Iranian, especially pre-Islamic values. It is noteworthy that Islam is against any national identity and will aim to destroy anything non-Islamic.
This week’s gasoline riots in Tehran were the signs of unhappiness with this incompetent regime and people’s readiness for a full-fledged revolution. But this time around people’s participation will be much higher, and unlike the Shah who left the country to avoid a bloodbath, the ruthless Mullahs will most likely crush thousands or even millions of people before they give up power.
It is extremely important to make a note of it that the key to victory in Iraq is also in the hands of the Iranian people. Thus it is for the good of all concerned that we start supporting the Iranian people and their success of toppling a terrorist regime.
Ahmadinejad was thought to be the regime’s best bet for avoiding that kind of fate, offering a great deal of hostility toward the west, combined with pop culture appeal at home and some small liberalizations backed by a revolutionary guard background and militia ties. But now the Ahmadinejad train has gone very badly off the rails.
At some point during the election, the regime made the decision to rig the results. Had they done so early enough, the change would not have been so jarring. Instead it appears to have been a panicked reaction in response to the realization that Ahmadinejad was going to lose.
And whether that decision was made at the level of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or not, the ball finally rolled back to him.
The regime now has a limited number of choices to make.
1. It can pursue a comprehensive crackdown on all protesters, resulting in either the successful suppression of the protests, or leading to the fall of the regime entirely. The old lessons of the Shah are not entirely lost on the men who helped overthrow him.
A full scale crackdown at this juncture, even if it temporarily succeeds, would likely do so at a heavy death toll. The People’s Republic of China survived a similar crackdown by pushing enough economic and social liberalization so that the next generation would up not caring. Iran does not quite have the same option, particularly when it comes to social liberalization.
2. Khamenei can conduct an investigation, bring forward a few scapegoats and announce Mousavi as the true winner by a small margin, or propose a compromise option of some sort along the Zimbabwe model.
This of course would involve a serious personal loss of prestige, as well as a clear demonstration of weakness by the regime. It would avoid a short term explosion, but the long term consequences would wind up demonstrating the power of the protesters to compel the government to surrender to their will. And would in turn be quite destructive as well.
3. Play a waiting game, allow the protesters to discharge their energy, keep Ahmadinejad where he is, make some daily life concessions that would make people’s lives easier.
Overall it would appear that the regime went with this third option.
After the failure of the initial limited crackdown, Khamenei chose to embrace a slightly more conciliatory tone. The violence was toned down and a limited recount of some sort was promised.
The problem with this approach is that it only emboldened the protesters who have begun to learn their true power. The protests have only become more comprehensive. Secret police have been outed on blogs. And more high ranking regime critics have stepped forward.
In response Khamenei is now threatening bloodshed if the protests don’t stop. This strongly suggests that despite being the inheritor of the revolution, he is actually making the same exact mistakes as the Shah’s government did.
If Iran was the crisis that Biden warned us about, Obama has already failed miserably. If the Iranian regime falls, Obama will be remembered mainly for standing on the sidelines and doing nothing. The man who traveled all across the world giving speeches, had nothing to say when the people of Iran risked their lives fighting for freedom.
Israpundit’s Jerry Gordon takes Obama to task for missing an opportunity on Iran and Bill Levinson covers Ron Paul’s failed vote.
Paul Williams at Canada Free Press looks at Jimmy Carter, the real father of the Islamic revolution
Carter’s real legacy remains in Iran with the Islamic Revolution and the rise of the murderous mullahs.
From Canada Free Press. full article here:
http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/12144Neda has become a symbol, her name meaning "the voice", RIP Neda
Battle with police Iran June 20, 2009
The Iranian revolution through Twitter.
Business is business.
Bjorn Lomborg criticized businesses for taking advantage of the ‘green’ opportunities available because governments have bought the message that human CO2 is causing global warming. He talks about a “Climate-Industrial Complex” comparing it with the “Military-Industrial Complex” that President Eisenhower warned about.
I partially agree with Lomborg’s concern that, “Spending a fortune on global carbon regulations will benefit a few, but dearly cost everybody else.” Why partially? His use of the word carbon is scientifically incorrect, and I don’t agree with his belief global warming or climate change are problems. I have no sympathy with his claim that some businesses are exploiting Cap and Trade opportunities. Of course they are. Almost every business is taking advantage of the green hysteria; it is what business is all about. Business is about making money and I have no difficulty with that. What angers me is the hypocrisy of businesses that claim they’re acting to stop warming or save the planet. Rubbish, they’re doing it for profit. They couldn’t do it for long if they lost money. (Government bailouts aside.)
Business is not the problem, except when exploited for personal gain by politicians like Al Gore. The real threat is the Political - Academic - Climate Complex. Climate research funded by taxpayers is being exploited by academics to advance their careers with virtually no accountability and all within unassailable mostly taxpayer funded institutions..(see link for entire article).
True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.
Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.
Then their faith in God was destroyed...Now all his training, all his experience, all the instincts that had made him a model soldier, were about to be put to the test. With 16 men from his First Platoon, B Company, 11th Engineer Battalion, Sgt. Smith was under attack by about 100 troops of the Iraqi Republican Guard.
"We're in a world of hurt," he muttered.
read entire article:
God Bless those who gave the ultimate Sacrifice.
I ran across these brilliant videos whilst perusing the blogs of two patriotic ladies, they were so compelling that I wanted to share them here on Digital Publius.
WASHINGTON (AP)—Administration officials say President Barack Obama approved the military operation that rescued a U.S. captain held hostage by Somali pirates. The officials say Obama ordered the Defense Department to use military resources to rescue Richard Phillips from a lifeboat off the Somali coast.
He did affirm the military's authorization to use force if the captain's life was in danger, but they already would have had that authorization as part of their standard rules of engagement. If there are innocents about to be slaughtered the same reasoning that authorizes self defense also covers an imminent execution unless the ROE specifically forbid it.The AP is making it sound like there was an active rescue ordered by the President. It was not, there was an imminent threat and the local commander gave the order to fire. Good on Obama for ensuring their authorization was clear, but let's also be clear that he did not authorize or order an active rescue attempt.
UPDATE: Good gravy, the Kossacks are trying to spin Obama up for a medal or something.
full story:
One of the not so mysterious mysteries is what happened to Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who risked his life to save thousands of Jews from the Holocaust. Instead of going into the safe, wealthy banking life of his family, this University of Michigan architectural school grad instead volunteered to work with America to save thousands of Hungarian Jews, and apparently lost his own life in the process.
Although no one knows for sure what happened to Raoul Wallenberg, sightings and other accounts indicate that he was captured by the Soviets and likely died in one of their prisons. If he were alive today, this heroic, saintly man would be 96.
This weekend, the Wall Street Journal's Joshua Prager wrote an extensive feature on the Wallenberg family's search for his whereabouts. Although the article was very long, there were some interesting items in it.
http://www.debbieschlussel.com/archives/2009/03/interesting_new_2.htmlEmboldened by President Barack Obama's announcement he will close the Guantanamo facility housing suspected terrorists, one of the most notorious leftist terrorists of the 1970s and 1980s has written the president, asking him for help in finding a "former comrade-in-arms" missing for 14 years, and closing his letter with "Allahu akbar! ... yours in revolution."
Ilich Ramirez Sanchez – aka Carlos the Jackal – penned his letter to Obama from the Paris prison where he is serving a life sentence for the murder of two French agents and an informer, and for a series of deadly bomb attacks in Paris and on French trains, the Glasgow Sunday Herald reported today.
"Mister President, Your decision to close secret CIA jails, honors you," Carlos began before raising the issue of Bruno Breguet, a Swiss national who served as his right-hand man.
The letter continued:
full story:
Charlotte Bronte cautioned that "prejudices … are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow there, firm as weeds among rocks." But sometimes educators are the ones planting those prejudices.
The Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IRCA) — the sole legally recognized body that represents Muslim interests before the government and in which all Muslims automatically receive membership — has been providing Islamic education in public schools since 1982. Mouhanad Khorchide, a professor of sociology, recently published the first major study of this program, which has processed more than thirty thousand pupils. The disturbing results offer yet another warning to states about the groups they empower to speak on behalf of Muslims:
Khorchide, himself a Muslim, said 22.6 percent of the 210 Muslim teachers he had surveyed had "fanatical attitudes" and 21.9 percent rejected democracy as incompatible with Islam.
The older the teacher, Khorchide said, the more likely he was to reject the principle of the rule of law.
According to Vienna weekly Falter, the study shows 8.5 percent of the Muslim teachers said it was understandable for violence to be used to spread Islam, 28.4 percent said there was a contradiction in being both a Muslim and a European, and 44 percent said they had to make their students understand they were better than non-Muslims.
In addition, more than a third of the instructors lack pedagogical training and "most teachers of Islam before 1998 had been recruited in Arab countries or among Muslims living in Austria and many of them had been members of radical groups." As for the predictable consequences of welcoming Islamists into the classroom, an example reminiscent of the Anschluss era emerged just one week later:
Social Democrat (SPĂ–) Education Minister Claudia Schmied has banned a Muslim man from teaching his religion at a Vienna secondary school after he distributed anti-Semitic leaflets to pupils.
The leaflets contained a list of allegedly "Jewish" firms from which, the man told the students, they should not buy anything.
His removal — called an "overreaction" by the Muslim Teachers Association — is good news; so too is the announced agreement between the IRCA and the government to revamp Islamic education. But how many weeds already have taken root in young Muslim hearts?
http://www.islamist-watch.org/blog/2009/02/austrian-students-get-lessons-in-hate.htmlNot so long ago, in our part of Europe we lived in a political system that permitted no alternatives and therefore also no parliamentary opposition. We learned the bitter lesson that with no opposition, there is no freedom.~ Vaclav Klaus, address before the European Parliament, Feb. 19
Although my memory of Czech leader Vaclav Klaus (president since 2003, re-elected 2008) goes back to his days as prime minister (1992-1997), and to the time of Czechoslovakia's first president, the famous playwright and philosopher Vaclav Havel (1989-1992), I really didn't start actively following the career of this free-market iconoclast until radio host Michael Savage would have him on his show from time to time. This made me think to myself – as much as Savage hates Marxism, liberalism and European-style socialism, for him to have President Klaus on his program for an extended interview meant that Klaus had to be a man of stalwart principles and transcendent intellect. Indeed he is.
On Jan. 1, Klaus was appointed president of the European Union. Although this position is largely ceremonial, the EU is a very important economic cooperative represented by 27 nations and over 470 million people. Since President Klaus has a well-known aversion to European-style socialism and statist controls over the free market, he is set on a collision course with the leaders of the socialist welfare states of Europe now under his authority.
Journalist Dan Bilefsky in a recent article on President Klaus wrote:
An economist by training and a free marketeer by ideology, Klaus has criticized the course set by the union's departing leader, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France. The ambitious Sarkozy has used France's European Union presidency to push an agenda that includes broader and more coordinated regulation by the largest economies to tame the worst of the market's excesses.
President Vaclav Klaus is a man after my own heart and makes me and other conservatives here in America yearn for a politician to rise up and become a real statesman in the tradition of Burke, Churchill, Thatcher and Reagan. For example, although he's president of the EU, a conspicuous socialist economic entity, Klaus refuses to sell out his principles and is a tireless advocate of laissez faire free-market capitalism in the tradition of his intellectual mentors, the Austrian-British economist Friedrich Hayek and the American economist and public philosopher Milton Friedman, whose free-market capitalist ideas Reagan used to build 20 years of sustained economic growth here in America.