The most patriotic Americans come from Communist/Socialist countries abroad.. They came here to get away from that life, now we want to throw away, abandon everything that made us great. What made us great wasn't adopting Socialist policies, far from it. We "were" the worlds alternative.

Not so long ago, in our part of Europe we lived in a political system that permitted no alternatives and therefore also no parliamentary opposition. We learned the bitter lesson that with no opposition, there is no freedom.~ Vaclav Klaus, address before the European Parliament, Feb. 19
Although my memory of Czech leader Vaclav Klaus (president since 2003, re-elected 2008) goes back to his days as prime minister (1992-1997), and to the time of Czechoslovakia's first president, the famous playwright and philosopher Vaclav Havel (1989-1992), I really didn't start actively following the career of this free-market iconoclast until radio host Michael Savage would have him on his show from time to time. This made me think to myself – as much as Savage hates Marxism, liberalism and European-style socialism, for him to have President Klaus on his program for an extended interview meant that Klaus had to be a man of stalwart principles and transcendent intellect. Indeed he is.
On Jan. 1, Klaus was appointed president of the European Union. Although this position is largely ceremonial, the EU is a very important economic cooperative represented by 27 nations and over 470 million people. Since President Klaus has a well-known aversion to European-style socialism and statist controls over the free market, he is set on a collision course with the leaders of the socialist welfare states of Europe now under his authority.
Journalist Dan Bilefsky in a recent article on President Klaus wrote:
An economist by training and a free marketeer by ideology, Klaus has criticized the course set by the union's departing leader, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France. The ambitious Sarkozy has used France's European Union presidency to push an agenda that includes broader and more coordinated regulation by the largest economies to tame the worst of the market's excesses.
President Vaclav Klaus is a man after my own heart and makes me and other conservatives here in America yearn for a politician to rise up and become a real statesman in the tradition of Burke, Churchill, Thatcher and Reagan. For example, although he's president of the EU, a conspicuous socialist economic entity, Klaus refuses to sell out his principles and is a tireless advocate of laissez faire free-market capitalism in the tradition of his intellectual mentors, the Austrian-British economist Friedrich Hayek and the American economist and public philosopher Milton Friedman, whose free-market capitalist ideas Reagan used to build 20 years of sustained economic growth here in America.

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