The entire Democratic Party has been taken over by neo-Liberals who are Marxist/Socialist/Communist, whatever label you want to put on it. The change came during the 60's and 70's. The anti-war movement of the day was organized by Communists and still are today. The ideology was woven into the curriculum of Colleges across the nation. When it comes to Obama, his Church, his Pastor Rev Wright, followed Black Liberation theology which is a spin-off of Liberation theoology and is another form of Marxism. He idolized the teaching of Rev Wright and studied under the most radical of professors and mentors. His ideology hasn't changed, he only hides it with the smoke and mirrors of hope and change. That change will be to make over America, abandon everything our founding fathers and every soldier fought, bled and died for to resemble their own fantasy land of everlasting harmony. They American people do not realize that Marxism is alive an well in America and many are blind to the fact that we now have one of their most ardent students sitting in the White House today.
Dr. Laurie Roth
Already we are seeing the neo-Marxist cogs in the change wheel manipulating away our freedoms and treasure. Congress and this President have wasted no time; from the executive orders to the manipulative speeches and attachments to the ‘stimulus’ bill that insult and betray the American people.
What is the “change agenda” of this administration and congressional Democrats? It is becoming vividly clear the goal is Socialism and Marxism; neo-Marxism. Freedoms have to boldly go while control has to dramatically grow in all areas for this to happen. Surely no one will notice. After all, half the country wanted change! The other half can be seduced and distracted into silence...or can we?
“Karl Marx said it first: Socialism is not a form of government but is a state, a policed and engineered state in which a nation takes on while in ‘Transition’ from a Capitalist to a Communist society, while the “Communist Utopia” is the ultimate desired outcome of the full transition; a world with no police, no property, no religion, no classes, even no need for government, no war…a fantasy land of everlasting harmony…” – From Hitler, Socialism and the Racial Agenda” Justin Stamm, The Epoch Times.
What are the sucking sounds...draining our freedoms and setting us up for this new world?
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