Sean Hannity speaks with a man who has visited several of these training camps in the United States. There are up to 35 of these training camps across America. Some locations are in New York, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, and as far west as Washington State. These groups continue to exist because federal and state laws protect them. It is pretty unsettling. These groups are a part of an organization called Muslims of America or Jamaat Al-Fuqra. Watch the video at Foxnews.com Videos.
The alleged leader of these groups is Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani (Mubrik Ali Shah Jilani). He is thought to be responsible for setting up journalist, Daniel Pearl, to be captured and beheaded.
On the evening of February 11, 2009, the Christian Action Network (CAN) held a special showing of Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S. at the Landmark Theater in Washington, DC. Ryan Mauro, a terrorism analyst for CAN, says the video exposes the terrorist training activities at 35 compounds in the U.S., run by a Pakistani national known as Sheik Muburak Ali Gilani. Compounds identified in the documentary are located near communities like Commerce, Georgia; Hancock, New York; and Red House, Virginia. "You see them setting off explosives, training how to kill guards, highjack cars, all forms of terrorist attacks," Mauro says of the film. "And he actually says on this video if you want training in these tactics [to] contact any of my Muslim in America compounds in the United States."But Mauro says, incredibly, the U.S. government does not have the authority to shut the camps down. "The big problem here is that his group is not listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the State Department," he points out. "So the authorities don't have the legal authority to go and shut these places down."
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