This next post comes from Democrat=Socialist blog. A must visit site. Even though the globe in now in a cooling phase, that will not stop the global warming alarmists agenda of taxing the public to build their "green" army. I'm all for clean air and water but sorry, cows and pigs do not dispense pollution.... Now the UN has come out with recommendations to tax farmers for the air pollution created when cows and livestock fart... The EPA is looking it over, after all, the Supreme Court (those wise scientists up there in black robes) had declared it just that... What is wrong with seemingly smart people? How do they get away with it? Why isn't the American public marching on Washington with pitchforks and torches?
A great many of them have bought into the lie. This all began at the UN, that band of anti-American, anti-freedom, despot loving thieves. They would love nothing better than to knock the US down a few pegs, sad to say they now may have an ally in an UhBama Administration. After a couple of years of the new policies of change, the American public may be marching on DC... after the damage has been done. Right now they are still (half the Nation is) all giddie about the hope and change President.

President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden will meet with former Vice-President Al Gore in Chicago tomorrow in Chicago “to discuss energy and climate change and how policies in this area can stimulate the economy and create jobs.”
Gore endorsed Obama in June and the two spoke regularly throughout the election season.
Obama has spoken multiple times of his fondness of the former Veep and the fact that he would draw upon his expertise on climate change in his administration.
A slimy trio to say the least.
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